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Privacy Policy

This privacy notice (“Notice”) aims to demonstrate the commitment of STARK1 DESIGN LTDA Registered under CNPJ 45.077.686/000***** with your privacy and protection of your Personal Data, clearly and in accordance with the laws in force.

The protection of privacy and personal data reflect Stark1's values and this notice aims to reaffirm our commitment to security and transparency in the processing of such data.

New update performed on: 01/02/2023

What Personal Data is collected?

Stark1 collects Personal Data when You submit it or provide it to us through Our Environments, which are treated in accordance with current legislation.

The list of data collected may include: (1) identification data, such as name and CPF; (2) contact details, such as email and telephone; (3) financial data; (4) browsing data, such as cookies and IP address; (5) (6) any data necessary for the execution of our business activity, which may vary according to the existing relationship between Stark1 and You.

Personal Data may be collected for:

  • Identify and authenticate You in Our Environments, such as accessing certain areas of our website, visiting our units or using our services.

  • Fulfill the obligations arising from the use of our services, in accordance with contractually established obligations.

  • Expand our relationship, informing you about news, features, content, news and other events that we consider relevant to you.

  • Allow contact through the Contact Us channel.

  • Enable reporting on our Reporting Channel.

  • Allow access to our Ombudsman.

  • Enable your application for available positions through Work with Us, or other applicable tool.

  • Protect You by preventing access fraud and associated risks, in addition to complying with legal and regulatory obligations.

  • Enable humanitarian assistance and other interaction actions carried out by Stark1 and the communities.

  • Enable assistance to communities, as applicable.

  • Comply with legal record-keeping obligations established by the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet - Law 12,965/2014.

  • Maintain security in accessing Our face-to-face Environments, as well as monitoring the security of the environment itself.

  • Allow the conduction of Stark1's business activity, through the management of its former employees and outsourced service providers.

  • Conducting analysis of conflict of interest and other controls.

STARK1 Never makes contact through phone calls. Never provide personal data such as documents or cards if this happens.

Some of our services depend on the Data provided above, so You are solely responsible for the accuracy, veracity or lack thereof in relation to the Data You provide. If You choose not to provide some of this Data, we may be unable to provide all or part of our services to You.

Who can access StarkAccess?

StarkAccess is   a personal account of each customer registered on our website.


Only customers with orders open or placed during the year 2022 can have this account; There are no tariffs or payment conditions to obtain it, you just need to place an order with our company.

The functions of the Stark account are:

* Track your order, deadlines and estimates.

* Request changes.

* View information from your online website created by our team, and you can also request changes to it.

* View brief and open Invoices.

* View your purchase history and vouchers.

How is Personal Data shared?

Stark1 only shares personal data if it is necessary for a specific type of service (website for example) or payment methods involving Credit Card or Boleto.

The companies that personal data may be shared are:Hostinger, WIX, LocalWeb, Google, Banco Cora and Banco ASAAS.

Personal Data is protected against unauthorized access, illegal processing or disclosure, as well as accidental loss, modification or destruction. This applies irrespective of whether such data is processed electronically or in a physical environment.

Stark1 has appropriate technical and organizational measures in place to protect Personal Data, such as information classification, data backup and restoration, and identity and access management. These measures are based on an analysis of security and data protection risks aimed at protecting our customers.

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